Sunday, March 2, 2014

How QSciences Changed My Life, by Michael Strickland - Boise Idaho

Aspen Morrow, author of Med Free Bipolar, shared: 

Aspen introduced me to QSciences, a  wellness company dedicated to improving quality of life. My favorite product of theirs is Q96, which has greatly ehnanced my well being.

After meeting Aspen, and seeing her integrity and passion for the product, I decided to look further into this opportunity.

The first thing that impressed me was the tremendous amnount of research behind the supplements. 

EMPowerplus Q96 is specifically formulated to provide essential nutritional support to the brain and central nervous system.
Aspen Morrow

EMPowerplus Q96 delivers a well-balanced blend of 36 vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to the brain in a safe and effective dose to boost mood stability, mental clarity, and overall brain health in both children and adults. A proprietary 96-hour micronization and nano-chelation process increases the bioavailability of these nutrients for maximum nutrient uptake in the brain.

EMPowerplus Q96 has been studied in a variety of human conditions and is backed by scientific research at fourteen universities in four countries, as well as research published in peer-reviewed journals.

Twenty published studies demonstrating effectiveness have led to several ongoing double-blind placebo controlled clinical trials. All research has been conducted independently with no funding from Q Sciences.

To learn more, visit:
Q Sciences - Nutrition for Mental, Emotional, and Physical Health